As the Deer Cries: Settings of the Book of Psalms
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Event Information:
The emotional range of the Book of Psalms, from the heights of praise and joy to the depths of despair, is unmatched. Join Convivium Musicum as we explore a sublime program focusing primarily on Franco-Flemish composers. We will be sharing the effervescent Psalm settings of Sweelinck, the stately flow of Brumel, the raw sorrow of Champion, and the somber grandeur of one of Lassus’s profound settings of the Penitential Psalms. We will end with the most famous Renaissance psalm setting of all, Palestrina’s “Sicut Cervus,” for which we will invite all alumni of the group to sing with us. Please join us as we explore feelings of despair and hope from past centuries.


All Saints Parish, 1773 Beacon St, Brookline, MA 02445





Price Range:

Lowest Price — $0
Highest Price — $25